We All Need a Little Push Sometimes

Missy JohnsonPost written by Missy Johnson, Principal, MJMeetings, LLC | Meetings Consultant | Gourmet Food & Wine Enthusiast | Sports Fan

The difficulty with a weekly task is that sometimes you just don’t get to it. Your work and clients become a priority, your day-to-day life becomes more important, or more often than not, you just run out of time.

This has been the issue with my struggle to complete my weekly blog article over the last couple of months.

For meeting and event planners, the Fall is almost always our busiest time of the year. That’s when most membership associations hold their annual conferences…and my clients are no exception.

From August through November, I’m strapped for time and committed to delivering great service to my clients. As a result, other ‘tasks’ get pushed down the list. And, to be honest, sometimes I wonder if anyone is even reading what I write or getting any value from it (And if you are, THANK YOU, and drop me a note and let me know…all bloggers need encouragement from time to time.)

However, being married to your ‘blog coach’ and ‘business marketing manager’ can cause some friction at home when the task of writing the blog doesn’t get done each week.

I shared my frustrations with said ‘blog coach’ last night and he said, “Why don’t you write a blog about why it’s sometimes so hard to write a blog?” Well, that’s a great idea, I thought.

think-like-a-bloggerYou see, not only is it hard to execute blogging because of work/client deadlines and lack of time, but when I’m busy with work, I’m also not as creative or motivated. And so trying to come up with blog topics is really my biggest problem.

For me to feel good about my blog each week, I need to have time to observe my surroundings and as said ‘blog coach’ so often preaches – “think like a blogger”.

What I need to do a better job of is participating in networking and other meetings and then put my meeting planner spin on what’s going on with myself, my network, my clients, my life…and then creatively write about that.

But when I’m wrapped up in deadlines, client work, and other family commitments, it’s REALLY hard to ‘think like a blogger’. Can anyone else out there relate?

So as my busy Fall winds down and I’m wrapping up client projects before the end of the year, I’m recommitting to my weekly blog for 2017 and looking for ways to re-focus, re-engage and re-energize it.

Do you have topics you’d like me to write about? Do you have particular types of posts you’ve read from me that you want to see more of? Do you have questions about your meetings you’d like me to answer? Please leave your comments below or email me at missy@mjmeetings.com.

We all need a little push sometimes.

2 replies
  1. Kelly Peacy says:

    Missy, as usual, I can totally relate to what you are saying. I love your blogs and think you’re doing an awesome job.

    I’m having this exact same issue and so far, I’ve only posted one blog to my new site and haven’t even pushed it out yet! Ugh.

    In any case, perhaps we can help encourage each other in 2017!

    • Missy Johnson says:

      Hi Kelly,

      Thanks for commenting – now I know for sure someone is reading – YEAH! ;-)

      I’ll be your cheerleader if you’ll be mine – we all need a push sometimes.

      Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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